How to Grow Epipremnum Aureum: Pothos Plant Care

Epipremnum aureum belongs to Aracee the arum family native to Moaroua in the French Polynesian Society Islands. The species is a popular houseplant for warm climates, but it's also found in tropical forests globally, including northern Africa. It is often referred to as golden Pothos, Devil’s Ivy houseplant, money plant, silver vine Solomon Island and many others, but mainly known for its botanical name Epipremnum aureum.

The Devil’s Ivy is an extremely easy to grow houseplants and is popular all-over social media for its long trailing stems that can grow up to 8 ft, giving a tropical vibe to any space. The Golden Pothos heart-shaped leaves will emerge a lovely green and become a stunning variegation of yellow or white! These houseplants can tolerate a variety of conditions which I will go into further detail later, but they do best in a bright spot to really bring out the Devil’s Ivy variegation.

Where to Grow a Golden Pothos?

After purchasing your beautiful Devil’s Ivy houseplant, it is extremely important to find a place that both you and your new houseplant loves! As we have discussed, Marantas hail from tropical rainforests which means they will enjoy medium light levels so, it is best to find a spot in your home that offers plenty of bright, indirect sunlight. They do adapt to lower light-levels however, we recommend placing your Pothos plant in bright indirect sunlight, so it keeps its variegation. Avoid direct sunlight as the rays will burn the beautiful leaves, and also, keep away from draughts, air conditioning units and heat sources such as radiators. The best temperatures for prayer plants range from 18-24°C or 64-75°F. It is best to avoid any room that has fluctuations in temperature, as it makes it difficult for the Golden Pothos to settle into its environment.

Watering a Epipremnum Aureum

Caring for your Pothos plant is extremely easy once you understand its needs and signs. Devil’s Ivy like their topsoil to be dry between waterings. On average, you should water your Golden Pothos around every 8 days. When watering your Money plant, avoid using tap water as it may contain chemicals such as chlorine that can affect your houseplant. Instead, use filtered water or more preferably rainwater. Of course, as with majority of houseplants, water less during the winter months.


Does Devil’s Ivy Like Humidity?

Ceylon Creeper plants also love humidity! Rooms such as shower rooms or steamy kitchens will make these plants very happy. If you opt to place these plants in other rooms, there are methods of creating a humid environment. Misting the Golden Pothos leaves twice a week, having multiple houseplants around each other as lost water from one plant during the process of transpiration can be picked up by another plant, and lastly using a humidifier. These can be a preferred option as they can be small, quiet, and turned on and off to create the perfect humidity levels for your houseplants.

Golden Pothos Common Problems

These amazing Devil’s Ivy plants can have their fair share of problems. Fading leaves that disrupt their variegation, due to not enough bright but indirect sunlight. If your leaves are beginning to fade, try placing your Devil’s Ivy in a brighter spot. Drooping leaves is another common problem. This is mainly caused from not enough humidity or infrequent watering. If your Golden Pothos leaves are turning yellow, this is the opposite as you are overwatering in most cases. You should only water your Epipremnum Aureum if the top few inches are dry. Overwatering signs on a Devil’s Ivy can also be indicated with brown spots.

Are Golden Pothos Toxic?

The Pothos plant is toxic to various sources. Ensure that this houseplant is not nibbled at by any pets or young children. If it is, it can cause symptoms such as throwing up and stomach aches. Call a doctor or vet if you see symptoms if nibbled at.

Devil’s Ivy Common Pests

The Pothos plant isn’t prone to a whole lot of pests, however that doesn’t make it immune to critters. As with all houseplants, you should regularly and thoroughly inspect your plant, especially the undersides of the leaves for any infestations. The reason for this is to catch infestations in the early periods before they become a larger problem down the line. In most cases, Golden Pothos common pests include mealy bugs, spider mites and fungus gnats. The good news is Happy Houseplants has you covered with a blog covering how to get rid of houseplant pests.

Soil for Pothos Plant

When potting a Devil’s Ivy plant, we recommend using a blend of coconut coir, coarse pumice, perlite and activated charcoal. The activated charcoal is a really good addition as it helps combat harmful chemicals in the water that can lead to problems from the build-up of salts. Other ingredients such as perlite will help with drainage, so your Pothos plant isn’t sitting in water and is a happy houseplant! If you want to take things to the next level, we recommend putting some worm castings in the soil blend as they act as a natural fertiliser that will allow the Golden Pothos roots to slowly eat away, making the beautiful stems healthier and longer.

Happy Houseplants Favourite Epipremnum Aureum

We absolutely love our Epipremnum aureum for its easy to care nature and incredible jungle vibe. It works great as a potted plant or as a hanging plant, a really versatile indoor plant that will do well in any space it’s in. It grows very fast producing new leaves almost weekly in summer with strong white, yellow, and green variegated leaves. This plant will grow and fill any space and can be easily propagated.

This gorgeous Devil's Ivy makes the perfect gift for any occasion, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day and even as a Christmas gift. When gifting, we can include a free, handwritten card - just specify your message at the basket stage of delivery and we’ll do the rest! We won’t give the game away with paperwork or prices either, so it’ll be a wonderful surprise!

Happy Houseplants sell award winning houseplants, RHS Gold Medal Winning plants delivered to your door

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