Keeping Your Houseplants Happy

Houseplants are becoming increasingly popular in homes across the UK. Not only do they add beauty and vibrancy to any space, but they also provide a variety of health benefits such as purifying the air and reducing stress levels. However, to keep your houseplants happy and thriving, there are several factors to consider. In this expert guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of caring for your houseplants.

Choose the Right Plant for Your Home

When selecting a houseplant, it's essential to consider the environmental conditions of your home. Some plants require more light, while others can thrive in lower light conditions. Some plants prefer more humidity, while others can tolerate drier air. Research the specific needs of the plant you're interested in and make sure it matches your home's conditions. Common houseplants in the UK include Spider Plants, Peace Lilies, and Boston Ferns.

Provide Adequate Light

Light is vital for plant growth and development, so it's crucial to make sure your houseplants get enough of it. Most indoor plants require bright, indirect light to thrive. However, some plants, such as succulents, require more direct sunlight. Place your plants in a suitable location in your home, and if necessary, invest in artificial lighting to supplement natural light

Water Your Plants Properly

One of the most important aspects of caring for houseplants is watering them correctly. Overwatering or underwatering can be detrimental to your plants' health. Most plants prefer to be kept slightly moist but not soaking wet. A good rule of thumb is to wait until the top inch of soil is dry before watering again. However, different plants have different watering needs, so it's essential to research the specific requirements of your plant.

Keep Your Plants Clean

Dust can accumulate on your houseplants' leaves, which can prevent them from absorbing sunlight and air. Wipe the leaves down with a damp cloth or sponge to keep them clean and healthy. Additionally, removing dead or yellowing leaves can help your plants focus their energy on new growth.

Give Your Plants Nutrients

Plants need nutrients to thrive, and most indoor plants will benefit from fertilisation. However, it's essential to be careful not to over-fertilise, as this can harm your plants. Follow the instructions on the fertiliser package and fertilise your plants during their growing season. Common fertilisers for houseplants in the UK include liquid seaweed or general purpose plant feed.

When developing our original Happy Houseplants’ Organic Tropical Plant Food, we decided not to tinker with it too much, so you'll find no chemical supplements in this 100% cruelty-free vegan product. Our indoor plant fertiliser is handmade on the edge of Dartmoor National Park in Devon, exclusively for Happy Houseplants, and has been developed by the team at Happy Houseplants and expert horticulturists with decades of experience. Many people struggle to understand how to feed houseplants, but our original vegan plant food has been designed to make feeding houseplants simple. 

Our organic indoor plant food is made from Seaweed, harvested sustainably. Seaweed provides a delicate blend of growth hormones and micronutrients that is perfect for all indoor plants. Houseplants grow throughout spring, summer and autumn, so they will benefit from organic fertiliser during this time to encourage flowering and keep them healthy and well. 

Suppose you have been searching for alternatives to blood, bone and other so-called “organic” fertilisers. In that case, our original organic Vegan Plant food is for you and is sold exclusively through our website.

Indoor Plants need a balance of nutrients to survive and grow; deficiencies stop plants from growing big and strong. Nutrients absorbed through the soil help the plant Photosynthesis, the process by which plants use water, light and carbon to create oxygen and energy.

Monitor for Pests and Diseases

Houseplants are susceptible to pests and diseases, so it's crucial to monitor them regularly. Check your plants for signs of infestation or disease, such as yellowing leaves, brown spots, or webbing. If you notice any issues, treat them promptly with the appropriate remedy. Common pests in the UK include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects.

Learn more about pests and houseplants here

In conclusion, caring for houseplants requires attention and care. Choose the right plant for your home, provide adequate light and water, keep them clean, give them nutrients, and monitor for pests and diseases. By following these expert tips, you can enjoy healthy, thriving houseplants in your UK home for years to come.

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